Baumer Hubner HOG 9 & HOG 9 G | Encoders UK

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Baumer Hubner HOG 9 & HOG 9 G

Square-wave cycles per turn: 1 - 2,500 HOG 9 Hollow shaft with clamping element up to d= 16 mm
Max. output frequency: 120 kHz
Logic level: HTL, TTL, TTL (R) Option: Cone shaft 1:10
Permissible encoder temperature: -30 °C to +100 °C High HTL output current
Connection: Plug connection Bearing at each end
Weight: approx. 700 g (HOG 9) Protection against shaft currents
approx. 1,100g (HOG 9G) Twin encoder HOG 9 G
Shock resistance (6 ms): 1,000 m/s²
Protection class: IP 56 Ex II 3G 3D   

Baumer Hübner HeavyDuty incremental encoders are characterized by the following excellent features:

  • Robust construction with solid light alloy housing for high vibration and shock proof protection.
  • Bearings at both ends of the shaft, where construction permits.
  • Short-circuit proof power transistors with peak currents up to 300 mA for line driving over long cables with HTL-signals or optional TTL-signals to RS-422.
  • High Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), tested to IEC 801-4.
  • Protection against shaft currents due to insulated ball bearings, in some devices.
  • Incremental encoders without bearings for drives with large axial play or high speeds.
  • Through-hole hollow shaft, also available in Sinus-Technology and in explosion proof execution "II 2 G EEx de IIC T6".
  • Wide range of program with standard EURO-Flange B10.
  • Rear shaft option for mounting of other devices.
  • Combinations with common shaft:
    - Incremental encoder + Incremental encoder (Twin Tacho),
    - Incremental encoder + Analog-Tacho,
    - Incremental encoder + Speed Switch.
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